I am pleased to announce the sale of Salt Wars, by Michael Jacobson, to Matthew Browne at MIT Press.
For nearly four decades, the federal government’s “Dietary Guidelines for Americans”—the
country’s basic nutrition policy—has urged people to consume less salt. But sodium
consumption has hardly budged and tens of thousands of people die prematurely every
year as a result. Salt Wars describes how for decades the food industry, a handful of industry-friendly researchers, and attention-seeking journalists have confused the public and stymied
progress on this critically important health issue.

Michael is the co-founder of the widely respected Center for Science in the Public
Interest (CSPI), where he has fought for decades for safer food, from sodium to the ban on trans fats to requiring Nutrition Facts labels on packaged foods. CSPI's flagship publication, Nutrition Action Healthletter, reaches more than half a million households each month (including my own!). You can find recent profiles of Michael in the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Here is the Publisher's Marketplace deal memo:

I founded my agency after working as an editor at Oxford University Press for seven years, and university presses remain near to my heart. With MIT Press, Michael has landed at one of the best. Congratulations, Michael and Matthew!