Glitterati Editions has selected Don McCullin's iconic image of a shell-shocked U.S. marine in Vietnam as the cover for Anthony Feinstein's Shooting War, which profiles eighteen conflict photographers and reveals the trauma they face in chronicling violence as a profession. I think it is a fittingly haunting lead-in to a difficult, powerful book (publishing in November).
I've also just read the Foreword, by the legendary journalist and editor Sir Harold Evans, and it is an absolute stunner. It begins:
You are in a mosque in the shattered Bosnian town of Bijeljina. You photograph
paramilitaries interrogating a young Albanian prisoner. Outside in the street, a middle-aged
woman pleads for her husband. The Serbs shoot her out of hand, then gun
down another woman. “No photographs!” the soldiers scream. “No photographs!” as
the body of the prisoner, hurled from the mosque, lands at your feet. Your own life at
risk, do you put down the camera?